Best Feeling of the Week

Happy new week and welcome back to a normal work week, bffs! I spent Wednesday through Sunday doing next to nothing. I got my 7-8 hours of sleep, exercised, did a few chores, watched several TV shows and movies, ate well, and did pretty much nothing. And I felt great about it.

A part of why I didn’t feel the guilt that can be associated with a second of not being “productive” is because everywhere I looked on social media, it seemed that everyone was doing the same thing I was doing. Which brings me to a question: Why is it that in the US, particularly, we only all collectively allow ourselves to rest on very specific dates (and only a few dates a year)?


I firmly believe that we all need to rest more. There has always been a big difference between a two-day weekend and a three-day weekend, for example. A two-day weekend feels too short for many reasons, but I believe a lot of it is because we still use that time to be productive, whether that means socially or running errands, or completing home tasks. A three-day weekend, though? It finally allows for a day of…well, what do I do? How do I use this time? It removes a certain pressure to get. things. done. And a FOUR-day weekend? Forget it!

What I felt myself slip into was a deeper level of complete detachment from both outside pressures and pressures I put on myself. I slept better, I felt lighter, I felt…really good. And I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything. (Los Angeles is back in extreme lockdown again anyway, but that’s another topic for another time.) I don’t know if others were feeling something similar, but please share if you were.

I suppose this is a message that keeps coming back to me this year: give yourself permission to rest. Double down on it. TRIPLE down on it. Anytime that feeling starts to nudge its head (when your workouts start feeling blah, your concentration starts to wane, your overall energy levels aren’t where they normally are), maybe take it as a sign not to do more to compensate, but to do less. Allow yourself to rest.

As I’ve mentioned before, those moments often act as a springboard. For example, I now feel completely ready to go this week, full steam ahead.

I hope you all had a relaxing last week, and hope you have a beautiful week ahead! Much love!
