What To Do on Days You Don't Feel Like YOU


It’s the beginning of a new year and a new decade, and while it’s exciting, there is this pressure in the air that everything should be GREAT and NEW. It’s turned out for myself and for many other people in my life, however, that the beginning of the year hasn’t been so stellar. And that’s OK. Things don’t automatically change overnight. January has seen a lot of ending of chapters; turnover; turmoil. We have to slough off the old stuff to shine.

I’ve had many days throughout December and January when I woke up and for one reason or another, I just didn’t feel like “me.” Zero energy, malaise, no drive to do the things I usually love to do. For example, I usually wake up excited for coffee and to head to a workout. But day after day, I just wasn’t feeling it. And then the day would unfold in a similar way: I’d get done what needed to get done, but didn’t have the energy or interest to do much more.

I know I’m not alone when it comes to having days like this. Days where you don’t feel like YOU. There are a few things I’ve found to be helpful on those days. Try one or all of these when you’re having one of them to see if it helps.

1. Understand where it’s coming from. Any time I notice a shift in my mood, I try to mentally trace back to when the switch happened. Did someone say something? Did I see something on social that sparked a bit of jealousy? Is there something bigger going on in my life that I’m not taking the time to work through? Understanding where it’s coming from is the first step to acknowledging it and coming up with actionable steps to work through it.

2. Tell someone. I say this to my best friend Ashley all the time, but if I didn’t have her, I don’t know what I would do. We have the type of relationship where no matter what is going on, we are there for each other. So on days when I’m not feeling like me, I send her a text that I’m feeling off. Having someone then tell me it’s OK to feel off and to go easy on myself makes me 1) feel less alone and 2) able to start my day. It can be very hard to give ourselves permission to feel sad or lethargic or off; sometimes having someone else help us reframe it takes the burden off and makes it easier.

3. Take a shower. It feels easier on days like this to stay in pajamas, but I guarantee a shower and a fresh set of pajamas or loungewear will make you feel a little bit better. Simple self care steps are essential to helping you start to feel a little more like yourself.

4. Get done only what needs to get done. Now is not the time to start a new project or put more pressure on yourself. If you can, get your work done early in the day and take the rest of the time for yourself.

5. If you feel up to it, go to one of your favorite places and see how it feels to be there. For me, going somewhere like Target reminds me of being home, there’s enough stimulation to possibly get me out of my head, and it usually offers a bright spot in my day. Sometimes it helps and other times it shows me how much I need to just go home.

6. If you’re going to work out, take it outside. Working out can go one of two ways on days like this: make you feel better or make you feel worse. I’ve tried to push myself before on days like this and a lot of times it makes me even more fatigued. If you’re feeling run down, chances are you’re over-stressed, cortisol levels are high, there’s inflammation in the body, and so on. Why stress it out more with an intense workout? It’s just a day. Rest. If you want to see if you’ll feel better after movement, try a walk outside and assess from there.

7. Eat something warm that you love. Warm foods are especially grounding when we’re feeling sad or uncomfortable in our own skin; they’re like a hug from the inside out. Choose your favorite warm food and offer that nourishment and love to yourself. It’s called comfort food for a reason.

8. Remind yourself: this feeling will pass. I know how intense it can be, and I promise you, this feeling is not forever. Whatever you’re going through, there are brighter days ahead.

I’d love to know what tactics you use on days when you don’t feel like YOU. Please feel free to share in the comments!

Much love,