The Importance of Having a Work Wife

Finding a work wife is like finding the magic that makes a romantic relationship last. You don't find that in everyone you date, and you won't find it at every job you have. But when you do find it, you'll know it. 

I didn't experience having a work wife until I started the job I currently have a year and a half ago. In January of 2015, I walked into a new-to-me office to new-to-me people a little guarded. I had experienced some low-key bullying at my previous job and wanted to protect myself from experiencing that ever again. This is all to say: I had my wall up. If it wasn't related to the job at hand, I wasn't going to divulge any details about my personal life, my opinions on pop culture or the fact Beyonce is my god. 

But a funny thing happens when you work in an open office environment under enormous pressure with a girl of the same exact name who's also under enormous pressure. Any wall I had built up started to crumble.

You need someone to roll your eyes at who will know and deeply understand where you're coming from. You need someone to tell the mundane details of your Tuesday night to Wednesday morning. You need someone to help buoy you when the going gets tough. And as much as you need her, she needs you too.

I sobbed like a baby for an hour on my work wife's last day at our company. I cried because I'd never met anyone before who could put my words into images and whose images I could turn into words. Because getting water or coffee would no longer be an event. Because I'd miss her, plain and simple.