SnackFace Review: Perfect Bar Peanut Butter Cups

When I first saw Perfect Bar’s latest creation pop up on Insta-influencers’ stories, I almost felt angry. I wanted to try them so badly but I knew there would be a lag in when I’d be able to find them in stores! Alas, this week, as I was casually strolling through Whole Foods in Venice, I spied them. I think I audibly gasped.

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Perfect Bar has taken its signature bar, poured it into peanut butter cup sizes, and enrobed them in dreamy chocolate. I picked up Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt and Milk Chocolate, but there is also a Dark Chocolate Coconut iteration.

Now, I’m a huge Perfect Bar fan to begin with. I live for the peanut butter coconut bar— it tastes like a peanut butter blondie. I don’t know how they do it! The pumpkin pie flavor? Forget it! I’m IN!

I had no doubts that these would be good, and upon first bite, I was shook.

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When it comes to dark versus milk chocolate, I’m choosing milk chocolate all the way. These cups taste exactly like a Reese’s cup, I swear. While they’re technically healthier, these Perfect Bar cups are still basically just candy. And I’m perfectly happy with that.

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Both the milk chocolate and dark chocolate with sea salt are incredible. UNCANNY resemblance to a Justin’s or Reese’s peanut butter cup.

Past the soft crunch of a chocolate shell is the signature Perfect Bar texture, which plays well as a PB filling.

While I wish they made these without egg powder and dry milk, the ingredients are still straightforward with no weird chemicals.

I have zero stashed away in my fridge and I already feel separation anxiety. Bring these ANYWHERE.

I found these at my local Whole Foods!

Happy snacking,