SnackFace Review: Sprout Living Epic Protein

As a health coach, I’d like to preface this review by saying first and foremost: you don’t need protein powder. As long as you’re getting sufficient protein from whole foods sources like meat, poultry, fish, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables, you’re all set. In fact, it’s preferable to get your protein that way.

That said, I personally enjoy having protein powder as a part of my diet. I like adding it to smoothies to amp up the staying power and round out the nutritional profile. If there is one macronutrient I accidentally skimp on, it’s protein, so having protein powder as a supplement is helpful for me personally.

My protein powder journey has graduated from Vega to Garden of Life to Tone It Up to, finally, Sprout Living Epic Protein. I found Sprout Living via Shut the Kale Up’s smoothie IGTV and I don’t think I’ll ever turn back! I wanted to take plenty of time testing it out before reviewing, and after using this protein powder regularly for over two months, I can’t recommend it enough.


First of all, the ingredients are a dream. The base is a blend of yellow pea, sunflower seed, pumpkin seed, and cranberry seed. Each flavor features its own combination of superfoods like maca, lucuma, cacao, and ginger root, and the very last ingredient is stevia as the sweetener. Most ingredients are organic, vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, and kosher.

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, this is the best tasting protein powder I have ever tried. Ever. There is zero chalkiness, no twinge of being overly sweetened, no fake-tasting flavors. The vanilla lucuma blends beautifully and complements tropical-forward smoothies and the chocolate maca makes every smoothie delectable. If you’re going to buy only one flavor, opt for the chocolate maca! I love blending it with banana, peanut butter, cacao nibs, and unsweetened coconut milk for what genuinely tastes like a milkshake.



I don’t even have to think twice when it comes to rating the flavor of these protein powders. They’re incredible. Highly recommend chocolate maca—it’s deep, rich, nuanced.

They blend like a dream, there’s no chalkiness whatsoever. I use one scoop at a time.

These are the best ingredients I’ve found in a protein powder so far. I have zero things I’d change about it.

WHERE TO BUY: You can shop their protein powders at!

Happy snacking,