Best Feeling of the Week

As I write this, I am two days away from my 33rd birthday. Thirty-three. Some of you have known me via SnackFace since I was 21 years old. Some of you have just gotten to know me as a 32-year-old. In some ways, I’ve changed a lot since I was 21, and in others, I feel exactly the same.

However, I’ve felt very reflective upon the last year in particular. I’ve been thinking about where I was last November versus this November. In November 2019, Best Feeling Forever didn’t exist yet. I was about three months into IIN this time last year and loving it, eager to take on clients already. I was also still working as the market buyer for my friends at Hi-Lo Liquor and loved that, too. Zach and I had just moved back into our house after a very long slog in our renovation process and we still had no furniture.


The start of 32 was a total transitional phase for me. I was a student again, I finally was in my home after a year of being in and out of it, I was in a job I knew wasn't a forever thing but was grateful to have, and I didn’t have any practices or routines in place like I have grown to know truly help me. There were so many balls up in the air, and I learned how to be agile and flexible, but I felt unsettled.

As November turned to December, January, and February, my intentions became clearer but that unsettled feeling was still there. Then March came. The pandemic. Lockdown. Quarantine. A lot of fear, stress, and worry came with this time. My journals will always carry everything I felt at that time.

But something positive that came from being very isolated for several months was a sense of routine and practices that served me. I got into the practice of journaling daily, for example, which was something I did as a kid. I read spiritual books that I haven’t looked into for years. I sought and found a deeper sense of peace within me than I’d ever known was there. I connected with friends honestly and in meaningful ways. I got to know 10 incredible women through coaching them. The idea of Best Feeling Forever came to me. Zach and I, always grossly close, are even grossly CLOSER now.

Because of all this, I feel settled now. I feel settled in who I am. I have a strong voice and I’m no longer afraid to use it. I feel confident being just me because I feel like I’m IN my body, mind, and spirit. There are certain layers of self-consciousness, self-doubt, and fear that are cleared now because I feel so settled within me.

The best feeling of the week is going into my 33rd year feeling this way. Settled in who I am, confident being just me, truly being IN my body, mind, and spirit. It’s a gift and a privilege, and I’m grateful.

Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead. Much love.
