Best Feeling of the Week

Last week was the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another.

As I’ve shared, I took a Coaching Intensive Practicum over the last six weeks that will allow me to apply to sit for the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaching board exam in February. Last Thursday was the final class of the six-week course.


I love being a student. It’s where I feel most at home. I love the structure of classes, a syllabus, quizzes, exams, modules, and I love the learning itself. The course provided a sense of comfort as summer turned to fall. It created focus in a chaotic time.

During our twice-weekly calls, I was able to hear the stories of nearly 30 women from all walks of life, age, and backgrounds. As much as I learned about the coaching structure and ethics from the class, I learned even more about the strength of women from simply listening to these women open up about their lives. I am in awe of their strength, their vulnerability, and their drive to help even more people.

So it came as no surprise to me when I started to tear up at the end of our final call on Thursday. I don’t get to have this structure anymore, and I don’t get to have the network of the 30 women on the other end of the teleclass. Moreover, the ending of the class signifies the closing of a chapter.

The ending of this class means I’m on my own now. It’s up to me how I study for the board exam. The structure is no longer there for me. It also means I no longer technically have to take any further classes through IIN to further my education as a coach (although I’m sure there are additional classes I’ll want to take just for me).

With every ending comes a beginning, too. I’m entering a new personal chapter. Just as the class came to a close, Scorpio season started. Yes, my season. I’m nearing my 33rd birthday in November. Every birthday feels like a personal new year for me. It feels more like a new year than New Year’s. It’s my season to really dive inward and assess what I want to carry with me into my new year or leave behind. What serves me? What no longer serves me?

Not to mention the election… I really can’t get into that right now.

The best feeling of the week was definitely completing the class. It feels empowering to finish something you started. I left the class feeling like a more confident, more empowered, more knowledgeable, more professional coach, and I’m thrilled to be able to bring this elevated coaching to my clients. I’m excited to see what this new chapter has in store for me.

Hope you all had a great last week and have an even better one ahead.

Sending you love!
